Saturday, October 25, 2014

Key Points: Chapters 7 & 8

As we enter into reading week, I want to provide an overview of what we’ve discussed so far. In particular, I want to make sure it’s clear how this material builds on what we learned about measurement in Chapter 6.

Chapter 7 is about probability and non-probability sampling. Remember that probability sampling techniques are associated with quantitative research, while non-prob techniques are associated with qualitative. In lecture, I also discussed margin of error, which has to do with how accurate we believe our probability sample to be. I distributed a handout with sampling exercises on one side and margin of error exercises on the other. Finally, we discussed recent research on oral sex as an example of the “science of the sophomore” (those who were absent really missed out!).

Chapter 8 is about surveys. We looked at a poll on attitudes toward the homeless and identified problems with question wording. Lots more examples can be found online if you want additional practice. While we focused on identifying and fixing “bad questions,” there is additional Ch 8 material that you’re responsible for knowing (e.g., types of surveys, pros and cons).

We’ll talk about experiments when we reconvene. For now, enjoy reading week.